Our users are the best source of insights for how to get the most out of Yellowdig. Professors and instructional designers have that real-world, day to day experience using Yellowdig that we rely on to fine tune Yellowdig and create an even better experience for you and your students. That’s why we’ve decided to give some of our most experienced and innovative users a more formal role in plotting the future of Yellowdig.
So we’re excited to announce the formation of the Yellowdig Academic Advisory Council (YAAC)! The YAAC is a small group of hand-picked Yellowdig power users from across our diverse landscape of institutions, from major universities, small colleges, and even the corporate learning space. These learning professionals use Yellowdig in a variety of use cases, from large and small courses, to unique use cases outside of the traditional classroom. With these experiences they will be sharing their feedback and ideas on best practices, Yellowdig features, and new product ideas. They will help us to create a better product, as well as share how to get the most out of that product with the entire Yellowdig community.

Meet this year's group of Academic Advisors who have ample experience using Yellowdig's virtual classroom tools:
Vicki Hart, Assistant Professor at the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine
Sean Preuss, Academic Success Manager at Bryan University
Tawnya Means, Assistant Dean and Director, Teaching and Learning Center, College of Business at University of Nebraska
Michael Dye, Associate Dean of Online Education at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
Linda A., Instructional designer in the department of Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies at Fort Hays State University
Adam Pincus, Instructional Designer, Villanova University
Andy Alexander, Visiting Professor at Purdue University in the Quantitative Methods Department in the Krannert School of Management
Mika LaVaque-Manty, Director of the Honors Program in the College of Literature, Science, and Arts at the University of Michigan and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Political Science
Benjamin Plummer, learning experience designer for the University of Michigan Ross School of Business
Erin Sicuranza, IT Project Leader in IT-Academic Technology Services at the University of Delaware
David Blakesley, Campbell Chair in Technical Communication and Professor of English at Clemson University
Lisa Brown, Assistant Director at University of Rochester
Diane Miller, Instructor CIS Department - College of Business at Colorado State University
Kurt Hayes, Chief Learning Experience Officer at Dignity Health Global Education
We are continuing to expand the YAAC, so this list will continue to evolve and grow. To learn more about our YAAC members, follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter where we will be having "Meet the Member Mondays."
Bob Ertischek is the Academic Lead at Yellowdig, a U.S. company dedicated to creating communities where social interaction and learning build the relationships and skills that allow people to thrive. In this role, he works with partners to share best practices for creating community and meaningful student engagement. Prior to coming to Yellowdig, Bob founded and led Profology, a professional development community for higher education instructors. He also taught political science for over a decade at Monroe Community College in Rochester, New York. At Rochester Institute of Technology, he served as an instructional technologist/faculty developer where he evaluated educational technology and worked with faculty members to use online tools to increase engagement in their courses.
If you have any questions please reach out to us at learnmore@yellowdig.com.
