Who's behind
our human-centered learning experience?
Get to know the humans behind Yellowdig!


Why do we exist?
Yellowdig aims to turn every classroom, bootcamp, or organization into an active learning community through its research-driven, hyper-interactive, Yellowdig Engage platform. The platform was built on three main pedagogical principles: Agency, Mastery, and Connectedness. The various features of the platform are inspired by these pedagogical principles to turn learners into co-creators of knowledge, and empower them with robust performance analytics as they cruise through their learning journey.
How did Yellowdig start?
Founder & CEO, Yellowdig
Shaunak Roy
In 2014, Yellowdig's CEO and founder, Shaunak Roy, knew he wanted to start a company that mattered. As Facebook and other social media technologies took over the social connectivity scene, he saw an opportunity to leverage this idea of social sharing through technology, but specifically in the area of sharing academic ideas and knowledge.
As Shaunak looked back on his own academic days (he went to undergrad at IIT Bombay, and postgrad at MIT), he realized that he learned as much from his peers as he did from his brilliant professors. Some of the bonds he created with his peers lasted well beyond those formative years, and morphed into lifelong friendships.
Meet the management team

Hey! I'm Brian Hurlow
And I'm the VP of Technology

I'm Brian Verdine
Senior VP of Academic Engagement
Yellowdig Advisory Board
A visiting professor in the Center for the Study of Education Policy at Illinois State University.​ He was a professor and department chair at the University of Kentucky.
Dr. James L. Applegate
President of GMB Consulting Group, working with university and non-profit institutions to build strategic leadership teams.
Dr. Gretchen M. Bataille
Professor of Marketing and Samuel R Harrell Professor Emeritus in the Marketing Department of the Wharton School, the University of Pennsylvania.
Leonard M. Lodish
Former CEO & President of Creative Commons, Aspen Institute Fellow, and Vice President at the Carnegie Foundation.
Catherine M. Casserly, PhD
John C. Hower Professor of Technology and Digital Business and a Professor of Marketing at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Kartik Hosanagar, PhD
Senior Vice President and Executive Dean of the Teachers College at Western Governors University (WGU), and an award-winning leader, author, speaker, and consultant.
Dr. Mark Milliron
President and founder of The CIO Perspective, Inc, a collaborative consulting firm specializing in supporting innovation and transformation for public and private organizations.
Shelton Waggener