Yellowdig E-Books
No-cost Yellowdig E-Books: Data-Driven, Student-Centered
Success Stories From Instructors and Leaders
Student and Instructor Satisfaction Report
Read about the impact Yellowdig has had on students. Explore a deep dive into the overall experience of two Yellowdig professors, and see the real results behind Yellowdig user satisfaction for both students and professors—complete with both anecdotal evidence and quantifiable data.
Click the cover above to preview a sample

Made for Humans
Read success stories from instructors that teach a variety of courses at Georgetown University, University of Michigan, and Algonquin High School.
Also, for the first time ever, we are featuring three humans of Yellowdig so you can get to know the team that's tailoring your Yellowdig experience.
Have a nice read!
Click the cover above to preview a sample

Connect Like Never Before (April 2021)
In this free e-book, you’ll hear directly from instructors and administrators from across academia who have used Yellowdig to elevate connection and collaboration in their classrooms.
Teachers who have increased participation and engagement through meaningful discussions.
Leaders who have reduced drop rates and improved student retention –– all in the wake of a global pandemic.
Kick back and get ready for a great read!
Made for Humans (August 2021)

Read success stories from instructors that teach a variety of courses at Georgetown University, University of Michigan, and Algonquin High School.
Also, for the first time ever, we are featuring three humans of Yellowdig so you can get to know the team that's tailoring your Yellowdig experience.
Have a nice read!
Made for Humans (August 2021)
Read success stories from instructors that teach a variety of courses at Georgetown University, University of Michigan, and Algonquin High School.
Also, for the first time ever, we are featuring three humans of Yellowdig so you can get to know the team that's tailoring your Yellowdig experience.
Have a nice read!

Click the cover above to preview a sample

Connect Like Never Before
In this free e-book, you’ll hear directly from instructors and administrators from across academia who have used Yellowdig to elevate connection and collaboration in their classrooms.
Teachers who have increased participation and engagement through meaningful discussion. Leaders who have reduced drop rates and improved student retention- all in the wake of a global pandemic.
Kick back and get ready for a great read!

Click the cover above to preview a sample
Exploring Student Satisfaction in an Online Community with a Gamified Instructional Approach
Two instructors from The University of Tampa share their experiences using Yellowdig (from Spring 2021 through Spring 2022) through this study.
Read thorough the Literature review of how the instructors dealt with filling the gap of understanding students' experience using our authentic online community-based platform.