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Yellowdig for students

Yellowdig is a plug-and-play, community-building platform with seamless integration with your existing LMS. Once your instructor set up a community, you will be able to use Yellowdig on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices to connect with your classmates and start discussing course material.

By the numbers


of students say Yellowdig makes them feel more connected to their peers.*


of students would rather use Yellowdig for online discussions than other discussion boards they have used.*


of students say Yellowdig's point system is easy to understand.*

Are you currently using Yellowdig?

Experience a new level of engagement

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We are bringing the dynamism, gamefulness, and connectedness of social media to your classroom. Get to know more features by clicking the button below:

Not a current user

Refer an instructor

Currently, Yellowdig is only available to students through partner institutions. If you would like to use Yellowdig, kindly refer your instructor(s) to the partnership plans page to inquire about partnerships and pricing, the events page to see the platform in action, or send them a copy of our latest 2-pager, A Better Way To Learn.

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Student at the University of Rochester

"As a college freshman entering college during a pandemic, it was very difficult to engage with my fellow peers and meet different people. But through my different online classes, especially my really big lectures, Yellowdig provided a phenomenal, phenomenal interface, so that I could both interact and earn points toward my class, but also meet my different classmates and interact with them virtually, which was really great."

Are you experiencing problems?

If you're experiencing problems with your Yellowdig community, we would like to hear about them and fix them straight away. Kindly click below to contact support:


Take a student survey

Tell us how well did we do! We are always working on enhancing our student experience, your feedback is greatly appreciated:

Become a fan

Follow us on social media to get a glimpse of how other students are using the platform and what they say about it!

What is Yellowdig?

"Yellowdig removes the distance in distance learning."


Cait B. | Harvard Extension School

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