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Genuine Community for Learners and Educators with Yellowdig

Developing a close-knit online community in courses with large enrollment

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The University of California, Irvine

The University of California, Irvine

Department of Sociology

Level of Course:



Ben Leffel

Course Subject:

Economics and Geopolitical Risk, China and the Global Order

Number of  community participants:

~200 per course

"It is possible to make the online course as interactive as the traditional in-person course."

Between Fall 2017 and Spring 2019, Ben Leffel used Yellowdig as a Sole Instructor for 3 sections of “China and the Global Order” and as a Teaching Assistant for 5 courses on economics and geopolitical risk at UCI’s Merage School of Business. His online “China and the Global Order” course had an average enrollment of over 200 students. Yellowdig was a graded component of Ben Leffel’s courses.

By The Numbers





Conversation Ratio

Conversation Ratio


Course Communities

Course Communities


The average conversation ratio (Comments / Posts) in courses for which Ben Leffel served as a T.A. was 3.22. In contrast, the average conversation ratio in Ben’s solo-taught “China and the Global Order” courses was 5.86. By instantiating a number of Yellowdig best practices and expertly steering his course Communities, Ben increased his Communities’ conversation ratios, thereby achieving his goal of facilitating more genuine and sustained conversations among large numbers of students.

Graphs from Professor Leffel's course illustrating the volume of posts and comments in his Yellowdig communities.

In Spring 2018, however, Ben recalibrated Yellowdig with weekly point limits, resulting in an increase in engagement: The average Community Member was connected to 21.5% of their fellow Members (~53 out of 246). Students’ baseline weekly activity was higher on average and less variable, and peaks in activity became less dramatic over time. This pattern is more conducive to student engagement and community-building, since students are interacting steadily over time and connecting with more of their peers.

Ben Leffel prefers Yellowdig to other discussion platforms because he finds Yellowdig more conducive to genuine conversations between students. He also favors Yellowdig’s precise quantification of student participation, and he uses Yellowdig to automatically measure participation in his large online communities. Ben's overall success is due to his fine job in building robust and intimate communities in his large online classroom environments.


[It's] much like replicating the Socratic method in large lecture halls for use in the digital learning environment.


Instructor Ben Leffel

About the Instructor

Ben Leffel

Ben Leffel

Ph.D. Candidate (UC Irvine)

Instructor, UC Irvine Paul Merage School of Business, Ph.D. Candidate

Ben Leffel is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Sociology at UC Irvine. His dissertation research centers on global climate change policy. He has published 4 peer-reviewed articles and 14 op-eds and commentaries on climate change mitigation, U.S.-China relations, and city diplomacy, among other topics.

About the Institution

The University of California, Irvine

The University of California, Irvine

The University of California, Irvine was founded in 1965 with a mission to catalyze the community and enhance lives through rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and dedicated public service (

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