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February 2020 EdTech Recap
Each month the Yellowdig Team puts together the latest news from the EdTech industry.
February 2020
New models of learning are being considered in higher ed:
The way gamers learn from each other online ‘could be future direction’ for student engagement by universities. Link
Some universities are re-imagining the four-year learning model. Link
AI, virtual reality, and other innovations in technology are changing the landscape of higher ed. Link
Students at the forefront of our decision-making:
Simple ways to increase student retention as an individual faculty member. Link
Rethinking the discussion board in order to improve student engagement. Link
Need to adapt to the way current students learn with new technology. Link
Employers influencing the higher ed landscape:
Employers want workers who are flexible and strong leaders. Link
New partnerships between corporations and universities are emerging. Link
Disclaimer: This recap is based on what the Yellowdig team came across in the edtech news media in this month. We do not endorse any 3rd party sources or claim this list is comprehensive.
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