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COVID-19 Edtech Recap

*Normally we conduct monthly edtech recaps on major news we’re seeing throughout the industry. However given our current situation, we thought it would be more beneficial to provide a timeline recapping major news stories about how COVID-19 is impacting higher ed and how leaders in the space are responding. This recap is only representative of the timeline up until June 11, 2020.

COVID-19 Edtech Recap


  • UNESCO has been monitoring global school closures in response to COVID-19 and report that local schools in China started closing as early as February 8, 2020. Link

  • Schools in Asia started closing at a national level due to COVID-19 mid-February (2/14/2020). Link

  • By the end of February, U.S. universities had started cancelling study abroad programs in Italy (2/26/2020). Link


  • In early March, COVID-19 became a real threat for many Americans as the U.S. started planning for national school closures and how it might affect students (3/6/2020). Link

  • The bleak reality of what college closures means for low-income and disadvantaged students became all the more clear (3/11/2020). Link

  • The higher ed and education community at large came together and provided guides for online teaching and resources lists started popping up everywhere you looked (3/11/2020). Link

  • COVID-19 impacted and continues to impact different universities differently (3/12/2020). Link

  • College enrollment departments started to brainstorm ways to get students to commit without college visits and in person events (3/16/2020). Link

  • Colleges with developed online programs were better prepared for the pandemic than those without (3/20/2020). Link

  • Incoming students are starting to change their plans for the fall by taking a gap year or enrolling part time (3/25/2020). Link

  • The security and privacy of Zoom started to be questioned as “Zoombombers” entered the scene (3/26/2020). Link

  • Many educators weighed in on how the current form of distance learning is not representative of what successful online learning looks like (3/27/2020). Link


  • Prepping for what a fall without in-person instruction might look like (4/1/2020). Link

  • Critiques on Zoom and synchronous teaching (4/2/2020). Link

  • Enrollment strategies change to attract new students (4/6/2020). Link

  • Boston University is the first school to announce they may not reopen their campus in the fall and remain online (4/11/2020). Link

  • Colleges and universities offer virtual study abroad programs (4/11/2020). Link

  • Students sue their respective college or university for tuition refunds (4/14/2020). Link

  • Universities experience significant losses, resulting in a different approach to their budgeting for the next fiscal year (4/20/2020). Link

  • The importance of community, especially virtual, are crucial for the fall (4/29/2020). Link

  • Survey results predict an estimated decline in fall enrollment of up to 20% for four-year institutions (4/29/2020). Link


  • Top Hat survey reveals that students are reassessing their initial plan to return to their university in the fall (5/1/2020). Link

  • Hybrid-Flexible course models pose as an option for universities as they plan for the fall (5/7/2020). Link

  • Scott Galloway, Professor at NYU Stern School of Business, predicts that elite cyborg universities will take over higher education (5/11/2020). Link

  • California State University system plans for a virtual fall semester (5/14/2020). Link

  • While most institutions planning for in-person fall instruction are four-year colleges and universities, most institutions planning to remain virtual are two-year public colleges (5/20/2020). Link

  • Self-reflection by an ed-tech skeptic on their teaching experience during the COVID-19 crisis (5/28/2020). Link

  • Boston University’s plans for hosting a virtual new student orientation (5/29/2020). Link


  • Top Hat survey reveals that students are reassessing their initial plan to return to their university in the fall (5/1/2020). Link

  • Hybrid-Flexible course models pose as an option for universities as they plan for the fall (5/7/2020). Link

  • Scott Galloway, Professor at NYU Stern School of Business, predicts that elite cyborg universities will take over higher education (5/11/2020). Link

  • California State University system plans for a virtual fall semester (5/14/2020). Link

  • While most institutions planning for in-person fall instruction are four-year colleges and universities, most institutions planning to remain virtual are two-year public colleges (5/20/2020). Link

  • Self-reflection by an ed-tech skeptic on their teaching experience during the COVID-19 crisis (5/28/2020). Link

  • Boston University’s plans for hosting a virtual new student orientation (5/29/2020). Link


  • Invite students to be at the center of decision making for the fall (6/5/2020). Link

  • 15 scenarios for the fall from “normal” to fully remote and everything in between (6/9/2020). Link

  • How to use data to support students (6/9/2020). Link

  • Can you create online learning communities? (6/11/2020). Link

Moving Forward:

  • Phil on EdTech has been keeping tabs on the progressing situation and segmenting it into phases. We’re in phase 2 and heading into phase 3. Link

  • How COVID-19 could change teaching and learning for the better. Link

  • Bryan Alexander has been watching the situation closely and as a futurist has been making predictions for the fall and beyond. Link

  • Holon IQ has been reporting and predicting how the pandemic has been affecting different regions and areas of education. Link

  • Faculty and Administrator perspectives on the long-term impact of COVID-19 on higher education. Link

Disclaimer: This recap is based on what the Yellowdig team came across in the edtech news media. We do not endorse any 3rd party sources or claim this list is comprehensive.

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