Enrollment Decline Puts Pressure on Student Persistence More Than Ever
"Enrollment declined this spring at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Following a 3.5 percent drop last spring, postsecondary institutions have lost nearly 1.3 million students since spring 2020."

National Student Clearinghouse, Research Center
The pandemic shutdown aside, the rising cost of tuition, economic conditions, and general dissatisfaction with higher education is causing many potential students to find alternative paths or leave the degree they had already started.
There are many reasons students leave their degrees that colleges or universities can't control, but there are still many ways institutions can improve course completions and student persistence.
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To accomplish holistic student retention from semester to semester, you will need to look to the student experience as a whole. From the time a prospective student is considering attending your institution to graduation day.
In a study published in 2021 by the Journal of Further and Higher Education, they found that "students who frequently considered leaving university without completing their degree (i.e. dropping out) had a significantly lower sense of belonging than students who did not.

Pre-enrollment and Welcome Communities
Enabling learners to informally get to know their peers before ever stepping foot on campus or entering that first online class.

Curricular and Course Communities
A curricular community can serve many purposes from academic Q&A, a social class lounge, or even an interesting simulation.

Co-Curricular Communities
From student clubs to internship communities to advising support, co-curricular communities can be a game-changer for learners.