Password complexity checking. This strengthens the security of users’ accounts.
Post reply-to threading UI. This distinguishes replies to comments from replies to posts, making it easier to read and track long conversations.
Avatar hover card. This allows users to follow and directly message each other by hovering over their picture in the feed.
Interactive LTI launch setup flow. This allows instructors to copy content and settings from template Communities, customize the name of their Community, and place their Community in the subnetwork of their choice.
Bug Fixes:
fix LTI launch bug related to D2L administrator
fix bug with notification toggle buttons
flow for Safari third party cookie restrictions
fix un-styled html flash
fix for same site cookie restrictions
many internal ops improvements
fixed tracking of views on own posts
various small UI improvements
Reach out to clientsuccess@yellowdig.com.
Brian Hurlow is the Director of Technology at Yellowdig.